My Digital Hub
The HSMAI Revenue Advisory Board have selected specific news, insights, education, jobs and more. Let us do the work filtering the relevant information for you.
Get global recognition & boost your professional status.
Executive certification offers you the chance to confirm your knowledge, experience, and capabilities in the field of digital marketing. Get your CHDM designation from HSMAI now….read more
Your name, CHDM
Get your new Revenue staff up to speed FAST!
It takes a long time to train a new person for the revenue Department. Speed up the process with an online study program. HSMAI have developed a course especially for people who have less than two years experience in revenue functions. The “Certificate in Revenue Management (Hospitality)”. Start anytime, study anywhere.
HSMAI Digital Advisory Board Meeting
21st March – Singapore -12:00pm – 2:30pm
Chief Digital Officers Executive Roundtable
17th April – Singapore – just prior to Digital Travel Asia conference
Chief Digital Officers Executive Roundtable
17th October – Singapore – 2pm-5:30pm – in conjunction with ITB Asia
Note: Roundtables are Invitation-only events
Please contact us if you lead the Digital function for your hotel chain or company and you would like to be on the invitation list.
Economics and Business
Service design is a form of conceptual design that involves the activity of planning and organizing people, infrastructure, communication and material components of a service in order to improve its quality and the interaction between the service provider and its customers.

Service Management
Service design may function as a way to inform changes to an existing service or create a new service entirely. The purpose of service design methodologies is to establish best practices for designing services according to both the needs of customers and the competencies and capabilities of service providers.

Administrative Service
If a successful method of service design is employed, the service will be user-friendly and relevant to the customers, while being sustainable and competitive for the service provider. For this purpose, service design uses methods and tools derived from different disciplines, ranging from ethnography