HSMAI role: Member of the Commercial Advisory Board – Asia Pacific
Brian is currently Senior Manager, Republic Polytechnic, School of Hospitality, Hospitality Solutions Centre (HSC). The Hospitality Solution Centre (HSC) operates from within the Republic Polytechnic (RP) School of Hospitality (SOH), to build up expertise and act as a knowledge repository of hospitality management and operation best practices. HSC’s objective is to support the industry to raise productivity levels and competitiveness in attracting and retaining Singaporean talent.
HSC has worked with the hospitality industry on various consultancy and applied research projects (e.g. housekeeping, service and queue system efficiencies, front office operations improvement, mystery shopping surveys for the consumer industry, feasibility studies for the spa and wellness industry, etc.).
Brian’s core competencies are around – Applied Research, Productivity, Supply Chain Management, Automation and Technology Adoption.